‘Children of God for Life’, United States based pro-life group - ‘World Leaders of The Campaign for Ethical Vaccines, Medicines and Consumer Products’ is calling on the public to boycott products of major food companies that are collaborating with Senomyx, a biotech company that produces artificial flavour enhancers, using aborted foetal cell-lines to test their products.
Senomyx claims that 'collaborating companies' provide them with research and development funding, plus royalties on sales of products using their flavour ingredients.
“What they do not tell the public is that they are using HEK 293 – human embryonic kidney cells taken from an electively aborted baby to produce those receptors”, stated Debi Vinnedge, executive Director of ‘Children of God for Life’. “They could have easily chosen COS (monkey) cells, Chinese Hamster Ovary cells, insect cells or other morally obtained human cells expressing the G protein for taste receptors”.
Food giants Pepsico/Walker’s Crisps, Kraft Foods/Cadbury’s Chocolate, Campbell Soup, Solae and Nestlé, together with other international companies, are listed on the Senomyx website as ‘collaborating’ partners
“If enough people voice their outrage and intent to boycott these consumer products, it can be highly effective in convincing Senomyx to change their methods”, said Vinnedge.
In fact within a few days of this public disclosure, Campbell Soups cancelled their partnership arrangement with Senomyx, citing customer trust and satisfaction as more important than profitability.
(H/T) http://www.cogforlife.org/senomyxalert.htm
“If enough people voice their outrage and intent to boycott these consumer products, it can be highly effective in convincing Senomyx to change their methods”, said Vinnedge.
In fact within a few days of this public disclosure, Campbell Soups cancelled their partnership arrangement with Senomyx, citing customer trust and satisfaction as more important than profitability.
(H/T) http://www.cogforlife.org/senomyxalert.htm
To contact Cadbury’s, UK, (consumer enquiries and comments)
tel. 0121 451 4444 (Excluding Cadbury World)
Write: Consumer Relations Department
PO Box 12, Bournville
Birmingham B30 2LU
tel. 0121 451 4444 (Excluding Cadbury World)
Write: Consumer Relations Department
PO Box 12, Bournville
Birmingham B30 2LU
To contact Nestle,
Free Careline service on 00800 63785385 (UK and ROI)
Write: Nestle Consumer Services, PO Box 207, York, YO911X
PepsiCo contact:
Consumer Care Team on 0800 980 8235 (freephone) between 9am and 4pm Monday - Friday
Write Consumer Services dept.
LE4 5ZY (Can also be contacted via email through their website)It only takes a minute to call, and you speak to a pleasant person, explain your concerns and ask for your comments to be recorded.
(H/T) Tim’s Comment on http://protectthepope.com