'The marriage feast at Cana' - Murillo
Through the media, we in the UK are lead to believe that now the concept of ‘same-sex marriage’ has been approved by Parliament, everything in Society’s garden will be rosy. In fact we have not even begun to experience the problems that this legislation will inevitably bring. It is therefore encouraging to know that the millions of voters in this country opposed to this shameful legislation are not 'out on a limb' as it were. In fact the majority of nations throughout the world have voiced their opposition and will have nothing to do with it.
In July this year, the
"We consider ourselves, like normal, standard people, we just live boys with women, girls with boys ... it comes from the history," Isinbayeva told reporters.
Stefano Gennarini J.D.
writing on the C-FAM blogsite on 26 July
this year, has this to say:-
European countries are following Russia ’s lead to protect children by
curbing advocacy for “non-traditional” sexual acts. Homosexual groups are
reacting furiously.
month Moldova passed a law prohibiting the
distribution of information “aimed at the propagation of prostitution,
paedophilia, pornography or of any other relations than those related to
marriage or family.” Lithuania recently adopted a similar law, and
Ukraine ’s legislature is reportedly considering the same.
laws are designed to protect minors from graphic information that may lead them
to unhealthy choices at a delicate age. Russia ’s law, adopted in June, fines
individuals and organizations for promoting “non-traditional” sexual behaviour
among children.
homosexual lifestyle, in particular, is associated with a host of health risks.
Individuals who engage in homosexual activity are 18 times more likely to contract HIV/AIDS than persons who don’t. They are at
higher risk for other sexually transmitted diseases, substance abuse,
depression, and suicide.
laws have been on the books in some Russian states for nearly a decade.
National legislatures began enacting them this year, after President Obama
ordered all U.S. agencies dealing with foreign
affairs to promote lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights, and
established a fund for foreign LGBT groups to agitate within their countries.
At that same time, British Prime Minister David Cameron threatened to cut aid
to countries that have laws penalizing sodomy.
In Russia ,
a recent Pew poll found only 16% believe homosexuality should be socially
acceptable. Attempts to apply
international pressure have not deterred nearby countries from considering and
adopting similar laws to Russia ’s.
30 July on the C-FAM blogsite, Stefano Gillani continues,
Human Rights Organizations from around the world are supporting Russia ’s effort to protect children from
homosexual propaganda.
statement from Civil Society affirms the recently enacted Russian law, which
imposes fines on individuals and groups that ‘promote homosexuality among
minors’, as important steps towards fulfilling international obligations
towards the family and minors.
Organizations from around the world are “rushing” to offer their support according to ‘Profesionales por la Etica’, http://www.profesionalesetica.org/ the
The statement recognizes the Russian law as an effort to
protect the family, the fundamental group unit of society. The law is about
protecting the “innocence of children” and the “rights of parents”.
Critics of the Russian law find it difficult to address yet another
reason for enacting the laws, namely the negative health consequences of homosexual
activity.The Lancet reported last summer that homosexuals are 18 times more likely to contract HIV than heterosexuals, due to a combination of biological and behavioural risks associated with homosexual activity. Moreover, HIV is receding in most of the world, except among homosexual populations where it is skyrocketing. Homosexuals are also at higher risk for substance abuse, suicide, and depression.
earlier this month suggested the law would not apply to visitors during the
Winter Olympics to be held in Sochi next year, but those rumours have
been dispelled.
Russians are determined to defend the law. Putin has issued
a decree prohibiting any rally or demonstration in Sochi that is not related to the Olympics
for the period surrounding the event.
Wikipedia provides some
interesting statistics, which show that generally, apart from Western
Europe , South America , Canada ,
New Zealand ,
and some States in the USA ,
same-sex marriage is not accepted in law, and active homosexuality is often a
criminal offence. Interestingly it is clear that same-sex marriage is not an
issue which has developed over a long period of time, it is a 21st
century phenomenon orchestrated by a vociferous and powerful minority group world-wide, using the concept of ‘equal rights’ to legitimise their demands, and
which has appeared virtually out of nowhere. It has become the
‘instrument’ used by liberal and anti-clerical politicians of all nationalities to
destroy traditional Christian, particularly Catholic, practice and belief, replacing it with a
totally secular definition of marriage legitimising unnatural physical same-sex
union, forbidden by God and condemned by
the Church.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Status_of_same-sex_marriageIt is encouraging to see eastern European countries oppose this legislation, all the more surprising in that so many of these countries were part of the old Communist bloc when religion was banned and religious persecuted. Clearly the people have not been blinded by the materialism of their western European counterparts, and have the strength and the will to overcome this attack on their traditional Christian heritage and way of life. Similarly in
In the UK we will have to wait and see how this unwanted, unwise, hasty, and intrinsically bad legislation will encroach on our traditional liberties and lives, particularly as it affects religious sensibilities and 'conscience' rights, employment, education, public services, and not least 'free speech'. In 18 months time, from his seat in the Opposition Benches, David Cameron may well rue the day he espoused this tainted cause, the day on which he went a 'step too far'.