Tuesday, 14 March 2023

Happy memories of our garden last summer.


It is now March, the garden has been wind-swept and to all appearances barren for several months, but at last we can enjoy the golden and purple crocus peeping up above the lawn,  and the early daffodils rising to the challenge. Before either of these, we admired a lovely show of snowdrops scattered around the garden, increasing every year, and safe from the scavenging of hungry mice, who particularly enjoy crocus and tulip bulbs, much to my wife's understandable annoyance.

I apologise for neglecting my blog-site over the past three months, I just seem to have been caught up in other matters, on the internet in particular, which have taken up a great deal of my time.

I hope that you enjoy these few photographs of our garden last summer, I had saved them on my computer for posting on my blog, and here they are - a reminder of summer past and summers to come! They are nothing special, no rare or unique varieties of plants, but they reflect the beauty of flowers in the summer-time, just a tiny taste of the beauty of God's creation. 



 Nothing particularly exciting or special about these photographs, but I am reminded of the delight and satisfaction the flowers brought  to my wife, the planner and  main artisan in the garden, and to me, primarily responsible for keeping the grass under some sort of control! This winter seems to have been  interminably long, very windy, very cold, and very wet, with a few light falls of snow. Things were not helped  by innumerable power cuts, some lasting several hours, which do make life difficult. I suddenly remembered that I had these photographs stored on my computer, and looking at them cheered me up to such an extent, that I persuaded myself to post them on this blog and perhaps bring some pleasure to  others, who like me, may be suffering from  debilitating  'long winter syndrome' (LWS). The photos are quite ordinary, but the flowers are a promise of things to come!

There is no denying that the World is in a mess, primarily due to the abandonment of God's commandments by so many nations and so many people. Corruption in all walks of life, gross immorality and evil, brazenly and publicly promoted, confirm the supernatural and natural threat of the devil and his minions; together with the very real threat of the 'Great Reset' and the agenda for 'One World Government', which seeks the complete control of mankind and the negation of Almighty God and His laws.

The devil and his followers might win a battle but they will not win the war, of this we can be absolutely sure. This world  is God's creation, as is humanity created by God in His own image. Satan will be crushed, as he was by Christ in the desert, but  I believe that we must all play our part  and do  everything possible to sabotage this attempted evil  take-over of humanity by the globalist elites. Faith and courage, prayer and penance, are our main weapons, relying always on the omnipotence of God and His unending love for humanity, for whose salvation God the Son, Jesus Christ, became man and was crucified for our sins,  that we might have eternal life. 

Wishing you all fruitful and happy gardening!

'The Last Four Sorrows' of Our Lady' - Charles Journet

  'The Last Four Sorrows of Our Lady' Charles Journet                          Fourth Sorrow   This was Mary’s sufferings ...